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Francess – Healing Poems - with 30 years studying and working with the healing arts as a holistic therapist, Fran identifies emotional links between mind, body, spirit and explores boundaries of love and fear psychologically,  physiologically and emotionally. After her Kinesiology technique of muscle testing was challenged as a form of divination, Fran studied scripture for the healing message of Christ and conveys these understandings in her books and poetry with great appreciation for the miracle of life in the human body. From the stars to the star fish and Genesis to Revelation her work addresses all in between to inspire love and peace for joy and kindness on earth.


Publications include:  Healing Poems for Positive Love published in 2012 is a combination of poetry and non fiction using the seven deadly sins to demonstrate the way they detract from the energy and well being of love, which I found to always be a positive state of being and Book Of Life which is a summary of the thesis in Healing Poems for Positive Love – perhaps the place where science and scripture meet?


Both available in the Shop section of the website.  


Also Audio CD of my Ultimate Healing Poems downloadable directly from the website Shop section and some available on You Tube for free.


Coming soon a renaissance poetry collection -

Parousia: Turquoise Love.


Publications include I Am Not a Silent Poet, London Poetry Grip, The Angry Manifesto, Penarth Times, BBC Wales, Anthologies of Roath Writers, RARA and  RVLF,  Domestic Cherry Magazine. Social action project: Forget Me Knot campaign to raise awareness of modern day slavery,, Hidden Now Heard – Disability Wales Mental Health project.. Fran specialises in PTSD with animals, horses and people. Fran workshops her poems and is available for performance, talks and readings.


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